Have you heard of the equine herpesvirus type-1, also called EHV-1? Or equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (EHM)? Do you know how these diseases are spread or the treatments to prevent them?

Check out our latest course about equine herpesvirus and equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (EHM).


The learning objectives for this course include:

  • Understanding the biology of EHV-1
  • Reviewing the risk factors associated with EHM
  • Knowing the clinical signs associated with EHM
  • Multistate outbreak
  • Understanding preventative measures

This course is beneficial to any horse owner to become knowledgeable about the different types of diseases that can be contagious to your horses. With this learning lesson, you can learn more about the clinical signs that are associated with these diseases and the treatments for prevention. Make yourself knowledgeable in order to give the best care for your horse!

This course is displayed using the online course tool known as Moodle. You will need to create an account and register with Moodle to view and participate in this and other equine courses offered by eXtension.

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